The Other Side of Cannabis- Medical Cannabis!

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The cannabis industry is experiencing groundbreaking growth globally. The drivers identified in the market are medicinal properties of cannabis, increasing legalization of cannabis, and increasing advances in genetic development and intellectual property associated with cannabis. The global legal cannabis market size was estimated at USD 13.8 billion in 2018 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 23.9% by 2025.

Considering the current market situation and prolifically patent filing in cannabis, iCuerious explored the medical use of cannabis in various diseases such as Cancer, Depression, Epilepsy, Insomnia, Multiple Sclerosis, Nausea/Vomit, Pain, Hair Loss, Obesity, Glaucoma and HIV/AIDS.

The landscape report provides a bird’s-eye view of filing trends in Medical Cannabis such as priority year, priority countries, market countries, major players, major universities, and top inventors.

Additionally, the report provides the information of derivates of Cannabinoid used in various diseases, and assignee breakdown working in medical cannabis.

This report is also useful for assessing changing market dynamics and for identifying unknown or new competitors, potential partners and emerging technology trends.

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