Technology specialists trained in patent law. Expertise in creating strong IP resulting in wider coverage

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"iCUERIOUS" embodies our passion for delivering contextual insights and intelligent cues to maximize client returns on IP assets, enabling informed R&D decisions, robust IP strategies, and success in highstakes patent litigation.

With a team of technology specialists and subject matter experts, we support clients through every stage of the IP process, including high-stakes patent lawsuits. Our diverse clientele includes Fortune 500 companies, IP law firms, inventors, and universities. We focus on creating valuable IP ecosystems and monetization strategies through litigation or licensing. Using cutting-edge technology, we develop scalable tools to enhance innovation efficiency. Our services encompass prior art searches, infringement analyses, patent drafting, source code review, competitor benchmarking, technology landscaping, patent monitoring, and market research.


Our vision is to be a leading brand in extracting and presenting valuable insights from diverse data sources, leveraging the latest technology to empower customers in data-driven decision-making.


Our mission is to fuse AI analysis with human expertise to reveal meaningful insights, delivering enduring impact through user-friendly dashboards and fostering long-term partnerships with our customers.


At iCUERIOUS, our Core values and Cultural pillars serve as guiding principles, shaping our interactions with both external and internal stakeholders. Upholding Right Work Attitude and Right Behavior, and fostering Transparency, Quality, and Timeliness, we create a diverse, inclusive workplace and deliver exceptional customer experiences.
